Here you can find an archive of our most recent newsletters. Thank you to everyone who has contributed , we love to hear from you so please keep your stories coming in... contact us if you would like to contribute something to the newsletter.
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NEWSLETTER 40 - 2022 January to March
Here we are already past the first Quarter of the year
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A note from the Chair
Once again Claire has produced a fabulous
Newsletter which I hope you will enjoy
Since our last newsletter Clive and I have been
through the heartbreak of losing one of our
hounds .. Marty, he was my “soul” mate in so
many ways and it was therefore heart-breaking
when we had to let him go on Valentines Day
this year through Cancer.
You can never replace a pet and Clive and I
since starting our journey have said goodbye
to Bubbles, Tigger, Judy and now Marty and
each time it is no easier.
The only thing we both know is that many more
greyhounds are waiting for their “forever”
home and whilst it is painful the only way we
can help is to try and bring another one into
our home. This is not easy for some, and many
find the memory of their pet too much to bear,
and do not want to feel that pain again. We
totally understand but for us, we need to
continue the journey and of course support
Ted who had lost his “Brother”.
NEWSLETTER 39 - 2021 October to December
Heading in to 2022 with some great results for 2021
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A note from our Chair
Well we have started another year after an amazing 2021 where 279 homings were achieved, the best the Branch has ever done.
We have a very busy year ahead as we are once again allowed to join events and we hope that you will be able to join us for some of them.
We are particularly looking forward to our Open Days at the kennels again, with the first one being at our Broadmarsh kennels on June 3rd, one of the days being celebrated for the Queens Jubilee.
NEWSLETTER 38 - 2021 End of Year
End of Year Summary
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A note from our Chair
As we draw near to another New Year, I think
most of us will be glad to see the back of 2021
for all the turbulence it has caused so many
people, businesses and Charities.
Looking back so many people have lost loved
ones due to this dreadful pandemic and many
have been left alone at a time when a hug and
a kind word is really needed.
As a Branch we have seen our own amazing
volunteers hit by this virus and we have lost
some wonderful volunteers to cancer and
other diseases. It is only as a “Family Branch”
that we have been able to see our way through
to the end of the year, and in the days,
months, and years ahead we will continue to
support all our Adopters, Volunteers,
donators, sponsors and followers as we move
through uncertain times into 2022.
NEWSLETTER 37 - October Edition
Covering July to September
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A message from our Chair
Once again Claire has put together a fantastic Newsletter which I hope everyone will take the time to savour.
Greyhound Trust Hall Green is run by volunteers and their goodwill and we cannot do what we do without the kindness of our adopters, supporters, sponsors and followers.
You will see from many of the stories in this newsletter how important the work that we do is to get the many hounds that come in to our care a “forever” home, and I am very pleased to tell you that the Branch is in course to have homed the most Greyhounds in the Branch’s history by the end of the year if all goes to plan.
NEWSLETTER 36 - April to June 2021
Coming out of lockdown
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A message from our Chair
First of all, I hope everyone is well and that as we come out of “lock down” you remain safe and vigilant.
As for the Branch it has been a time of reflection on how we move forwards to help the hounds in our care and ensure the safety of everyone around us. As you can imagine it has had its challenges but with everyone’s help we managed to continue to home throughout the pandemic and as we enter the second half of 2021, we are looking towards over 200 families having helped us to home the equivalent in greyhounds which is an incredible achievement so far.
NEWSLETTER 35 - January to March 2021
An amazing start to 2021
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First of all I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year, although it seems so far away now.
As we slowly come out of “Lock Down” and look towards better times where we can meet family and friends and socialize once again, one of the things we are all looking forward to is our monthly walks which start again in July as the “Country” opens up (we hope!) in Tamworth, Waseley Hills, Sutton Park and Worcester Park. I hope you will be able to join us and once again enjoy our social gatherings.
As a Branch we followed all necessary Covid 19 regulations and through the last year we helped so many hounds and adopters, and I am pleased to say we continue to do this in 2021.
NEWSLETTER 34 - October to December 2020
Finalising the record numbers for homing in 2020
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A message from our Chair
With an amazing 245 hounds finding homes in 2020 through HGGT you would think January 21 would be a little quieter, but no.. we have never been busier and with a team working on triage, virtual home visits, walking and challenging new hounds as they arrive and delivering hounds to their fosterer to Adopt homes (under CV19 rules), the Charity continues to work with potential adopters to home this amazing breed.
NEWSLETTER 33 - Christmas 2020
Celebrating Homings and Christmas Cheer
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A message from our Chair
Well as we come to the end of the strangest year I believe I have ever had, it has certainly tested everyones resiliance and ensured we have all had to look at new ways of socialising, working and looking after our families and pets.
Greyound Trust Hall Green, the Committee and volunteers had to adapt to a regime of masks, hand cleansing, temperature taking and all that continues to be associated with keeping us all safe as this dreadful pandemic continues, but with all these changes there also came a chance to review how we worked as a Branch and how we could ensure that GT Hall Green continued to bring in and home greyhounds who had retired from their racing career throughout these strange times.
NEWSLETTER 32 - October 2020
Continuing to Home Greyhounds through lockdown
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A message from our Chair
Another amazing few months in very strange times and still all the volunteers are working so hard to help the Branch home the Greyhounds in our care.
The biggest difficulty over the last few months has actually been being able to find enough Greyhounds to sustain the homing enquiries to the Branch. Whilst you would think there are many out there, we have actually found that Branches and Rescues have struggled to find hounds to home.
Greyhounds are certainly a popular breed at the moment, but also with the closure of tracks, retirement of Trainers and the lack of funds, it has meant a shortage.
I have therefore looked “outside the box” and have established a relationship with the Irish Greyhound Board where 12 hounds were delieved to our Watford Gap kennels last week all very healthy and in amazing condition.
Summer Update - Failed Fosters
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A message from our Chair
Well once again the months have flown by and we still find ourselves in the strangest of times, where we are not sure whether we can go out, meet friends, join in groups, walk socially, etc... one thing is certain, we all have to have masks at hand...something I have to keep reminding myself of every time I step out the door.
Though it has, and remains challenging times, the one thing I know is that the Committee and volunteers were not going to let these strange times affect the greyhounds in our care, and through vigilance and down right hard work, the Branch was able to foster out and eventually home, as we came to the end of June over 40 greyhounds... and as we approached the end of July that had risen to over 50.
Lockdown Special April - May
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A message from our Chair
There are so many people to mention and to thank; I am truly humbled by the support we have received throughout these troubled times. As you know our income streams from taking in dogs from trainers, homing donations, and events dried up overnight. But Hall Green volunteers are a clever bunch and came up with innovative ways to raise funds.
People donated to our virtual walks and raffles, supported our online auction, sponsored a dog or kennel, nominated us for birthday fundraisers, held charity events like shaving their hair , and made individual contributions.
Thank you to everyone who came to our aid when we know you may be on a reduced income yourselves.
April 2020
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A message from our Chair
First of all, from everyone at Greyhound Trust Hall Green we hope you are safe and well whilst we all remain cocooned in our homes to ensure we defeat this dreadful virus that has taken hold. One thing is for sure, we will all be a lot more appreciative of our surroundings and freedom when this is over.
As you may have seen from our media postings, we have lost all forms of income at the moment, from the Trainers/Owners who pay us a donation for their greyhounds coming in, from homing donations when we find a greyhound a “Forever” home, donations from events etc which helps us to cover the £4000.00 plus of costs we need to keep the Volunteer led Branch running every month.
To assist the Branch as we move forwards I have taken the opportunity to increase the Committee of Hall Green to enable us to face the challenges that lie ahead with a strong base who can support the rest of the volunteers who make up this amazing family… and would like to introduce you to the members of the New Committee as we move forwards.
January 2020
First of all, everyone at Hall Green hopes that you had a lovely Christmas and your New Year and New Decade will be an amazing one.
With the volunteers help and all the Branches supporters we have homed 25 greyhounds so far, but with it has come the return of 8 greyhounds who were in a home at the end of 2019.
You may or may not know that when we home a greyhound we ensure the adopter knows that if their circumstances change to such a degree that they can no longer keep their pet, we will do everything to home them before they come back to kennels however, if we have to, we will bring them back into kennels to home, but it is never our favourite route.
As you know we never give up on a greyhound and Dave (Flash) and Bear are testimonial to the efforts the volunteers go to, to find the right home for the hounds.
We hope that through 2020 we will once again home as many greyhounds as we can… This takes patience, time, effort, events and of course donations so if you can help in any way we would be very grateful.
**Remember, we want and NEED contributions for our newsletters, whether it's a happy homing story, tips and advice, poems, jokes, etc. Just send them to us via the "contact us" with subject "newsletter" and we'll make sure that Claire receives your stories
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December 2019
Season's Greetings to all our supporters. Welcome to our latest newsletter and we hope you enjoy the review of 2019.
We know the newsletter is enjoyed by many and a way for people to find out what's happening at the Trust, especially those who prefer not to follow us on social media.
Going forward we plan to get a "greyt read" to you every quarter and the baton has been passed to our new editor, Claire White. We are very grateful to Claire for taking on this important role for us.
**Remember, we want and NEED contributions for our newsletters, whether it's a happy homing story, tips and advice, poems, jokes, etc. Just send them to us via the "contact us" with subject "newsletter" and we'll make sure that Claire receives your stories
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December 2018
We hope you all had a good Christmas and will have a GREYT 2019. The nights are long and the skies are grey so what better way to spend an evening or two reading the WINTER edition of our newsletter.
Read about what we've been up to over the last quarter including the good news about our poorly dog Bear.
Learn about resource guarding, and how to bake Adam Elsdon's famous Sardine Flapjacks and much much more
**Remember, we want and need YOUR contributions for our newsletters, whether it's a happy homing story, tips and advice, poems, jokes, etc. Just send them with subject "newsletter".
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25 August 2018
We hope you enjoy reading our latest newsletter.
Read all about the efforts to find Sal and the happy ending. Catch up on poorly hound Bear's progress and the sterling fundraising efforts to pay for is treatment.
There are happy homings and stories on settling in new greyhounds and some of the challenges.
Meet featured homeless hounds Lulu and Scooby.
Our "health matters" section looks at sleep aggression, ticks, and training tips.
Find out what our head office have been up to
...and much more!
Remember, we want and need YOUR contributions for our newsletters, whether it's a happy homing story, tips and advice, poems, jokes, etc. Just send them with subject "newsletter".
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4 June 2018
We hope you enjoy reading our latest newsletter.
I'ts chock full of pictures from the successful Open Day at our Broadmarsh Kennels on Spring Bank Holiday Monday and from the Pet Blessing at Worcester Cathedral in April.
Hear how we are looking for a very special home for a special hound, Hansel, who is slowly losing his sight.
Read the informative articles about Greyhounds and Children - we'd like to thank our homers for their contributions and words of advice. and some important do's and don't's
As the summer school holidays are approaching we've got the A-Z of top tips when travelling with you greyhound.
We introduce our fairy greymother who has helped us home 3 of our longstayers, Looby, Paddy, and Bob and ask people to consider our now longest residents, Jimmy, Power, Asset, and Dynamo.
Find out what our head office have been up to
...and much more!
Remember, we want and need YOUR contributions for our newsletters, whether it's a happy homing story, tips and advice, poems, jokes, etc. Just send them with subject "newsletter".
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6 April 2018
**Please note - there is a typo on the awareness page (last page). The date of the Midlands Ball is SUNDAY MAY 20TH, not Sunday April 29th as stated. We apologise for this mistake.
Stop Press! March's newsletter is now out, a little late we know, but we wanted to publish the fantastic results of our online dog show which ended on March 30th.
This month also features articles on separation anxiety as well our regular features on greyhound health, dogs looking for homes, happy homings, fun pages, and upcoming awarenesses.
Read about Doggy Boho's online auction starting Monday April 9th with all funds going to help Greyhound Trust Hall Green.
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12 february 2018
READ ALL ABOUT IT - Our latest newsletter is out now. Hope you enjoy the read. This month's theme is the love of an older dog. Many of our adopters come looking for a young dog to grow up with their young families, which is understandable, but please remember that older dogs are in kennels looking for homes too.
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22 June 2017
Some of the features in this issue are... Hound health and three things you should know about ticks, Lichfield festival awareness, Astwood Bank carnival, a guide to looking after your dogs teeth, Pet Blessing at Worcester Cathedral, Lauren's legacy and much more!
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20 April 2017
Some of the features in this issue are... forever homed pictures, fun at Pets at Home, Let Sleeping Dogs Lie, The problem with age, Alabama Rot - your questions answered, Trimming nails - a necessary evil and much more!
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19 March 2017
Some of the features in this issue are... your forever homed stories, Ben's blog, Crufts 2017, Arthur's mind benders, Adam's day at School, Knitting for charity, Pet Plan nominations and much more!
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Subscribe and we'll send you an email with a link to download the latest newsletter as soon as it's released and keep you informed with the latest news and goings on at Greyhound Trust Hall Green (you can unsubscribe at anytime).
Greyhounds make great pets
Do greyhounds make good pets? Can they live with cats and small children? How much do they eat? Are they susceptible to specific diseases? Do they need lots of space? If you've got questions, we've probably got the answers. See our guides to everything grey!
Greyhounds as pets
Why do greyhounds make such great pets? Here's our myth busting guide to greyhounds!
Care and training
See our useful guide on how best to care for and train your greyhound(s)
Greyhound FAQ's
Here's our guide to the most commonly asked questions about greyhounds as pets.
Pet insurance
All our greyhounds come with four weeks FREE pet insurance for peace of mind
"adopting just one greyhound won't change the world... but the world will surely change for that one greyhound"
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