Another happy homing story
We love hearing from you about how your re-homed hounds are getting on and what they’ve been getting up to in their retirement.
Ezri (was Dudley) came into our lives on the 14th Feb 2021 and he certainly stole our hearts. Ezri was bought for a home visit as we were looking to adopt our first greyhound and our first dog. It must have been fate as he wasn’t even supposed to be coming but due to a bit of a mix up he did and we are so glad. It was love at first sight.
It was a long 2 weeks before we eventually got him on the Foster2Adopt scheme, but after a week we knew he was the perfect dog for us.
Ezri is the most laid back and gentlest of giants. His favourite things are eating, sleeping and having lots of fuss. He can hear the crinkle of a plastic bag from a long way off and always thinks there is a treat in it for him. He also loves to stand and watch us make sandwiches for work. I’m not sure if he thinks we’re doing it wrong or just waiting patiently for a piece of cheese. He has even learnt which people on our walks carry dog treats!!
Talking of walks, Ezri has certainly taken his retirement seriously. His walks are on his terms. He has sussed the long walks and discovered the shortcuts. If he doesn’t want to go a certain way he will just stop and turn around. However even the short routes take a long time as he loves to have a good sniff along the way. He has also made some new doggy friends which is great as he was very nervous of dogs when we first got him and would quite often freeze.
Ezri also love lots of fuss. He works his way around the room so everyone can give him some love. As soon as one person stops stroking him he moves onto the next.
It took Ezri a few weeks to discover toys and how to play with them. His favourites are monkey and sloth but he loves anything fluffy. He isn’t interested in fetching balls as I have tried but he looks at me as if to say you go fetch it!
Ezri is a quiet boy and we have only heard him bark 3 times in the year we have had him. He has his own ways of letting us know what he wants though. He even tells us when he wants to go upstairs to bed. It is the cutest thing. He waits until he has helped make the sandwiches then he goes to the loo then walks to his bed then walks to the stairs. I have to pick his bed up and when I am halfway up the stairs he runs past and waits for me to put his bed on the floor next to my bed and then he settles for the night. This is around 7pm at night and he sleeps straight through and only gets up when we both get up for work. If one person stays in bed he will wait for that person to get up. He truly loves sleeping.
We would love to thank everyone at Hall Green for finding this truly wonderful boy for us. He is perfect and we cannot imagine life without him.
Michelle Reeves
Call 0121 426 4810 for more information, to arrange a visit, or...
Greyhounds make great pets
Do greyhounds make good pets? Can they live with cats and small children? How much do they eat? Are they susceptible to specific diseases? Do they need lots of space? If you've got questions, we've probably got the answers. See our guides to everything grey!
Greyhounds as pets
Why do greyhounds make such great pets? Here's our myth busting guide to greyhounds!
Care and training
See our useful guide on how best to care for and train your greyhound(s)
Greyhound FAQ's
Here's our guide to the most commonly asked questions about greyhounds as pets.
Pet insurance
All our greyhounds come with four weeks FREE pet insurance for peace of mind
"adopting just one greyhound won't change the world... but the world will surely change for that one greyhound"
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