Another happy homing story
We love hearing from you about how your re-homed hounds are getting on and what they’ve been getting up to in their retirement.
Hello everyone wanted to send you a quick update on Blue (AKA Ian) there is so much I could say about this boy but I’ll keep it brief!
Blue has settled in really well he’s had his challenges but has taken them all in his stride, we have learnt very quickly he loves his food and can’t leave anything within his reach! He loves his morning school run he has started to show signs of excitement once he hears his lead he bounds & bounces down the hallway which my youngest Harry loves, he is so good with all the children and people he meets on the way to school so much so he’s become a local celebrity who everyone knows and stops for some fuss, my husband took him last week and Blue knew more people than him! He’s been in the car to our local lakes, local park, fields, Woods, football training, football matches & tennis so he’s a very busy boy that’s included in as much family stuff as we can.
He is left alone at times during the day and after a few teething problems seems settled with that, at night he settles down around 11pm and we don’t hear a peep from him until we get up around 7am.
Around other breeds of dogs he’s getting better we are doing this slowly this morning he’s been on a big walk with a Labradoodle showed no signs of being unhappy in fact it was like he’d known him for years, we stopped at a coffee shop for a drink and doggie biscuits then walked along the canal, we are really pleased with this progress.
He is so loving & gentle everyone who sees him or comes to the house instantly falls in love with him, he’s only been with us 12 days but already feels like he’s been with us for years...thank you so much for letting us give him his forever home 🐶💙
Niki Kazmi
We thought we would send you an update on Blue and tell you how pleased we are with him and now can’t imagine our lives without him.
So it was his birthday on the 3rd of December he had lots of pressies that he loved opening himself and a doggie birthday cake which he also loved! He’s been on lots of lovely winter walks to the Wyre Forrest, Pounders Park doggie field for off lead fun, Earlswood lakes, Packwood paws for more off lead fun and we also went on the Greyhound Christmas walk to Worcester woods he loves going in the car.
We are very lucky to have a local park that is a 10min walk from our house that has an enclosed dog area so he goes there a couple of times a week to practice recall, lots of sniffing and of course zoomies!
We have many enclosed fields around here when there are no other doggies around he just trots in front of us sniffing as he goes and coming back for a yummy treat. He goes the Greyhound training on Saturday mornings and really enjoyed the Christmas party he won pass the parcel and the agility game he also bumped into an old Hall green friend Mickey they shared beds and treats whilst enjoying the Christmas fun.
He has really come on with other dogs he’ll happily walk with many different breeds he hasn’t quite got the whole sniffing bums thing right he tends to sniff ears he prefers human bums to sniff 😱 he mostly ignores other dogs unless they come to him especially the little yappy ones!
He still doesn’t do the stairs and hasn’t attempted the sofa he loves his 3 beds around the house and stretching out on the rug when we are all in the lounge together. He has developed a special bond with our youngest son they can normally be found together.
Blue had a really good first Christmas with us he was inquisitive at first with all the decorations pinching the odd ornament and pulled at the tree branches Which was funny but again in true Blue style has ignored it all since, he had lots of pressies to open (he loves shredding paper) including a huge cuddle caterpillar and yummy Turkey he’s enjoyed lots of visitors and family walks.
Thank you again for bringing this boy into our lives I’ve attached some pics of our lovely boy he makes us smile and laugh everyday xxX
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Greyhounds make great pets
Do greyhounds make good pets? Can they live with cats and small children? How much do they eat? Are they susceptible to specific diseases? Do they need lots of space? If you've got questions, we've probably got the answers. See our guides to everything grey!
Greyhounds as pets
Why do greyhounds make such great pets? Here's our myth busting guide to greyhounds!
Care and training
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Greyhound FAQ's
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Pet insurance
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"adopting just one greyhound won't change the world... but the world will surely change for that one greyhound"
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