Another happy homing story
We love hearing from you about how your re-homed hounds are getting on and what they’ve been getting up to in their retirement.
mischa (was salvador)
Hi Anne
Mischa is doing well. I attach some pics of him in his chair and with his friend Holly taken just before cold spell which you welcome to share.
He is absolutely lovely and gentle - a dear soul. My one cat likes him and the others are dealing with their emotions but ok with him. He is very affectionate and also has some swagger in a good way. We not cracked the house training completely but he is trying. He is loving and playful and settling in very well. Thank you so much. I love walking with him. I will keep you updated. We love him and he seems to love us. I will send you some pictures and keep you up to date.
Best wishes
Lisa Jennings
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Greyhounds make great pets
Do greyhounds make good pets? Can they live with cats and small children? How much do they eat? Are they susceptible to specific diseases? Do they need lots of space? If you've got questions, we've probably got the answers. See our guides to everything grey!
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Why do greyhounds make such great pets? Here's our myth busting guide to greyhounds!
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See our useful guide on how best to care for and train your greyhound(s)
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Here's our guide to the most commonly asked questions about greyhounds as pets.
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All our greyhounds come with four weeks FREE pet insurance for peace of mind
"adopting just one greyhound won't change the world... but the world will surely change for that one greyhound"
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